2016 - Was Hillary a flawed candidate, did she run a poor campaign? Absolutely not. Trump won because of Russian collusion and a corrupt Republican party.

Some liberals and conservatives think Trump won in 2016 because Hillary was a flawed candidate, or she didn't run a good campaign.  There's no truth to that.   Hillary could not have run a signficantly better 2016 Campaign and she was an infinitely more moral and better qualified than Trump to be president.   Here's why Trump was elected - bias, corruption, lawbreaking:

1) a massive and systematic and unprecedented effort by the Russian government to seed discord, discredit Hillary and promote Trump

2) Wide scale voter suppression by Republican governors - photo voter ID laws, gerrymandering, closing of polls in districts that vote Democratic while opening more in districts that vote Republican, cutting the number of days and operating hours for voting, cutting Sunday voting which is a heavy voting day for the black community, not allowing out of state student voters to vote, purging voter rolls to lower voter turnout which historically favours Republicans, billboards put up in minority neighbourhoods threatening serious jail time for voting illegally (which makes valid minority voters doubt whether or not they are eligible to vote due to their history of being oppressed by and punished disproportionately by white government, Republican "protect the vote" efforts where armed partisans go to polling stations and ask minorities if they are eligible to vote in an effort to intimidate them into not voting, and I'm sure I'll think of several more of these after I post this.

3) Profit focused liberal media gives billions of free air time to Trump's  outrageousness during the 2016 election.  Trump is covered non-stop while Democrat candidates for president and nominee Hillary can't get any air time for their policies.  Frequently the major media out lets will often broadcast a camera view of an empty podium waiting for Trump to speak while Democratic presidential candidates get no air time while they are making major policy announcements.

4) Liberal media, in an effort to prove they aren't biased, overcompensates and attacks Hillary non-stop over nothing-burger of her private email server (just as Collin Powell,  Condoleeza Rice, and many others had done historically) while giving Trump a pass on his mountain of serious concerns.  Trump is still making hay out of Hillary's security "breech" while he has from day one used an unsecure cell phone for sensitive calls  to  world leaders amongst a string of other  security breaches he's been told allow foreign adversaries to listen in on.  There's no evidence Hillary's email server was ever compromised but its established fact Trump is allowing enemies to listen in on his government calls.
5) Comey,  perhaps overcompensating to show he's not biased against Republicans as the liberal media also did,  breaks FBI policy and talks about the investigation into Hillary and castigates her while keeping secret that the FBI has opened an investigation into Trump/Russia collusion.  Obama asks Mitch McConnell to make a bipartisan condemnation of the Russian government  breaking American law to tilt the election to Trump.  Evil McConnell of course is only interested in maximizing the chances Trump wins regardless of how anti-democratic that is, refuses and timid Obama fails to make public that there is proof Russia is foiling American democracy.  This is a huge unfair advantage for Trump.

6) Comey, again breaking FBI policy, a week or so before the election announces he's reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails because of the investigation into Anthony Wiener who is married to Hillary's campaign manager(?) Huma Abedine. This is a bombshell right before the election that pushes Trump over the top.  Even though a couple of days before the election Comey publicly announces he's found nothing new and is re-closing the investigation into Hillary's emails, the damage is done and its too late to change the fuzzily aware public's perception that Hillary is probably guilty of serious email security breeches and is untrustworthy just as Republicans have been saying and fabricating stories to support for decades.

7) Non-stop massive Republican gas lighting of American while Democratic politicians much more so play by the rules (not that they don't cheat lie and deceive too, just that they don't do it as much as Republican politicians)

8) Trump makes an age-old appeal to racism and in a day of apparent turmoil a fearful public who hates the liberal change they see in society likes his spitting in the face of convention and is highly motivated to vote while Democratic voters have been discouraged by the decades long dishonest Republican onslaught against Hillary and democrats.  Republicans run up the deficit when they are in power, and then when Democrats are in power Republicans get religion and suddenly not one thin dime can be spent on anything to benefit the public until the federal debt is paid down and the deficit eliminated.  And Democrats bend to this because its the right thing to do and we are generally meeker while conservatives are generally more aggressive and push us around.  Then Republicans  lie to the public about how they are the fiscal conservatives and Democrats are the tax and spenders and Democratic campaigns fail to correct the record and the American public has been believing this lie about Republican fiscal conservatism for Decades.  The gas-lighting of the public has been incredibly effective because its easier to fabricate a short lie about reality than it is to document and prove that the truth is not at all like Republicans constantly claim it is.  The half-aware American public buys Republican bullshit again and again.


9) The electoral college system gives an unfair advantage to Republicans as does the assignation of 2 senators to each state.  Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump in 2016 and he barely managed to eke out an electoral college win by 77,000 votes in three states to be declared president against the spirit of democracy.  Democratic Senators also got millions more votes than Republican senators and yet a majority of Republicans were elected to the Senate.  California elects two senators for its 35 million people and North Dakota with its one million people also gets two senators.  That's not proportionally representative democracy.

So,  its pretty popular for some liberals and conservatives to go around saying "I knew Trump would win due to liberal stupidity (over something I'm not sure what), liberals blew it,  its their own fault Trump was elected, they better not do the same thing next time", but other than the issues I've mentioned, I don't see how liberals could have done anything significantly better to have allowed Hillary to win in 2016.  From everything I see, its was effin near a miracle that Trump won in 2016.  He needed all the above actions to be maximally bent his way to win,  and if any one of them wasn't he'd have lost, and Republicans got all those stars to line up for them and eke out a 77,000 vote electoral college win against the will of the American people.  By all means, tell me what I'm missing.


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