The Fermi Paradox - we have ten years to stop the trend that will result in humanity going extinct in 300 - 1000 years

The Fermi Paradox:

Why with hundreds of billions of planets that are in the habitable zone around the stars in the milky way, why after decades of searching have we found no technologically produced radio waves from outside our solar system, no sign of technological life beyond our own?

Because, as we see in nature, a lot of repetition exists, a large number of species have penises and vaginas. So it is with the development of life and technological civilization elsewhere in the universe, it evolves similarly to our own.

Technological civilizations elsewhere in the universe are going to discover similar technologies to us, like burning fossil fuels on a massive, planetary disrupting scale, or nuclear weapons. We see no sign of technological life elsewhere in the universe because the universe is 20 billion years old and really advanced technological civilizations like ours only exist for hundreds of years, maybe a few thousand years. They're gone in a blink compared to the 20 billion year old universe. For this reason its extremely rare, if it ever happens, that one technological civilization exists in our galaxy concurrently with any others, on an evolutionary time scale technological civilizations have extremely short life spans.

Its clear from our own, technological civiliations destroy themselves in what is a brief flash after they come into being, on the vast time scale of the existence of the universe.

Like us,other technological civilizations will have discovered the tremendous short term advantages of burning fossil fuels, and be unable to unify their populations to stop the greenhouse effect on their planets, because evolved intelligent beings don't have the psychology to grasp such an existential threat and react successfully to it. Intelligent minds just aren't evolved that way, or at least not a big enough percentage of the population is psychologically aware enough to make a planet saving reversal of massive use of fossil fuels. So technological civilization like ours flare brightly and then die quickly.

The International Panel on Climate Change, a group of international climate scientists, says we have ten years to make massive reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions or face terrible irreversible consequences.

If we do not reduce greenhouse gas emissions to near zero in ten years, we will reach the  tipping point which will result in ever increasing and irreversible climate warming that (in my opinion) will destroy all life on earth in 300 to 1000 years. I'm willing to bet the computer climate models clearly show this but  scientists won't tell the public because it would create a backlash against reality.


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