A Zygote or a Fetus Is Not a Person
Many anti-choice people will insist that a pregnancy at any stage is a "person" or "human". This is manifestly untrue. Let's take a zygote, for example. When we think of what a person is we think of certain features, abilities, and characteristics. A person can move, think, feel pain, feel pleasurable sensations, eat, laugh, love, hate, and make plans for the future (even if the future is only the next few seconds). By that universally accepted standard a zygote is in no way a person - it can do none of that, it is capable of nothing we think of a person being able to do. Now I hear some of you angrily insisting a zygote is human and I'll grant you that it's human in the same sense that one of my fingernail clippings is human - it originates from a human, it is of a human, it is human matter, but it is NOT a human being, it is NOT a person. A zygote merits no more consideration than a mosquito biti...